2020/07/18 15:33

Oppressive Heat and Hidden Treasures

We also found some hidden treasures.

Dried okra make great rattles...

Today we decided to avoid the oppressive heat by staying out of the sun and reorganizing the garage, for better access to tools, seeds, and all plant-growing needs.

I forgot to get a picture of the full effect of before, but here's an after.

These panels were originally made for a site-specific public art installation in Chinatown, years ago.

Grace Lee Boggs, along with her life partner James Boggs, championed racial justice, Afro-American/Asian-American solidarity, anti-capitalism, intersectional revolutionary praxis, and urban farming in Detroit from the 1950s until her death in 2015 at age 100.

Liu Shifu was an early 20th century Chinese anarchist and militant whose Society of Cocks Crowing in the Dark emphasized peasant-based organizing, and Buddhist and Taoist-influenced anarcho-communism rooted in an agrarian society of freely federated villages.

I Wor Kuen, a Marxist organization active in the 1970s, was inspired by the model of the Black Panthers, Young Lords, and global Third World liberation struggles.  Deeply rooted in New York's Chinatown, they balanced militancy with serving the social needs of the community.

After all the cleaning and archeology, time for Gatorade.  Wait, that's all-natural and locally produced, right?

Peak Farm

It's hot high summer on the farm!

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