2020/09/20 21:16


This weekend, we ushered in the autumn equinox with a neighborhood social, bonfire, performance and bake sale. 

Our House founding member K inspired righteousness with fierce poetry of social justice, house resident E roused comedic empathy with a ukulele and the tribulations of on-line dating, and local musician Charlie Geyer of Storm Kid knocked it out of the park on the guitar.

Corn and apples were heavily featured in our menu of goodies because FALL!  Popcorn, cornbread, elote, dried apple slices, apple turnover, apple cider, mini pumpkin pies.  Yum.  The bake sale raised funds to contribute to the bail and legal support fund for Lakota activist Ryder Rowland. 

Altogether we made $283, and Our House is going to match that so see our donation of $566 live on the Free Ryder Rowland gofundme tonight!

There's only ~~$50 dollars~~ left to complete the GoFundMe--someone take us over the finish line! You can still contribute to the Free Ryder Rowland gofundme.

Ryder was jailed this year in connection with non-violent direct actions he participated in all the way back in 2015 as part of the campaign against Liquid Genocide in the "town" of Whiteclay, NE.  Whiteclay was established in 1904 on the outskirts of the (dry) Pine Ridge reservation as a way to funnel alcohol into the community, in a deliberate strategy (endorsed by Teddy Roosevelt) for fatally weakening Lakota social and political cohesion, cultural vitality and physical health.

We planned to show a film about the campaign he's been a part of, but technical glitches prevented this.  Here's a link to watch it yourself if you like:

Radical Resistance Tour episode 10 at Pine Ridge, South Dakota.

Finally if you had fun last night celebrating Autumn, we have four words for you to keep in mind next month: Dia de los Muertos

Farmy Days in October: it will be Oct. 10 and 24, from 2 to 6 in the afternoon.  Please come join us--it's late in the season but as of this weekend there were still tomatoes, tomatillos, gourds and kale to pick, and sweet potatoes yet to come.

PS Check out the weird warty gourds we grew.  Or that grew themselves.  We suspect they were implanted in the soil by aliens and took over the garden. 

2019/04/22 22:50

Wanted to share a bright musing for farming from today’s Earth Day…

¿Is it possible… conceivable… that farmy day at ourHouse happens after a flash flood warning and rain postpones it…? Yeaaahhh! Yes, yes, and Yay! As was overheard in Sunset… ¡Hao mei! ¡Hao mei! …Flowers of trees, charcoal, sunshine and doggies and fire, chickens, 'n…

We’re going to keep steady, and reconvene: 27APRIL will be the first day we ask you to take part again in FarmyDay.  ¿What would you like to participate with in the realms of a tiny farm in Flatbush? Usingg one of the most dangerous tools safely, composting, etc.? Or ¿maybe you can show us something too!? Like New York so nice…

This Sat, (¡uh-huh!) we’re gonna kick off Farmy, every 2nd and 4th Saturday ’til November. Come thru this Saturday 9am-2pm — there will be a veg/An BBQ (maybe something for us meateaters) for lunch!

Much has happened this past year:
We got 10 new chickens, some that lay *BLUE* eggs and have mustaches so all-in-all fit in in BK these days. Yet little do ppl know they are direct descendants of the Mapuche area. We'll have some of their eggs to crack on burgers or egg-y dishes! 🍳 we might finish their chicken castle or make them an castle wall.

we decided to take a step back from beekeeping as after a successful 1st year, our bees didn't overwinter their 2nd winter. ask xtian all about it and what he is doing about it so we can get better at stewarding these lovelies. join us this Saturday as we attempt to extract the honey from 5 supers (aka A LOT!) and maybe go home with tasty hyper local honey. 😋 🍯

Currently, we are amending the plots from squashmania last year and have started seedlings and some greens + herbs in soil. Saturday, we'll hopefully start the rigging of the rainwater catchment system and the solar-powered irrigation.

Finally, we continue to host our neighborhood CSA this season as last season was great. Early sign-ups have opened so check it out. We get all the veggie leftovers and have been distro-ing to our ppl--please keep us in mind for any projects of yours that may need fresh veggies weekly (Wednesdays)! Give us some notice tho coz we need to coordinate with block grandmas.

We filmed an impromptu fun music video last year that we will screen and would love your opinion on deck dreams for this summer!

Feel free to bring your compost to come rot!

Hope to see you here and there.


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